Breathe, my Earth!
Social and musical project within the framework of the festival "DRUGAYA VYSOTA"
2019| September-December
Vladivostok city
The environmental situation in the world is getting worse every day - but most of us do not think about it in our daily lives.
The average family throws out 1 ton of garbage a year.
One out of every eight deaths in the world is associated with air pollution.
Every year, more than 6 billion kg of garbage is dumped into the world's oceans.
It depends only on us what kind of world our children will live in.

In the autumn of 2019, the socio-musical project "Breathe, my Earth!" is being implemented in Vladivostok as part of the All-Russian creative competition-festival of young performers of modern popular music "DRUGAYA VYSOTA"!
The aim of the project is to attract public attention to the problems of environmental pollution and global climate change, the development of children's creative potential and the formation of moral and ethical norms of behavior of children and adolescents. We strive to teach our children to take care of the planet on which we all live, and through the mouths of children we want to tell and show everyone what the future awaits us if people continue to destroy our planet with their own hands.The most important part of the project was the planting of trees (maples in the park on the street The third working group, various trees and lilac bushes - on Poplar Alley), which were supported by the organizers and participants of the project, concerned citizens and the administration of the city of Vladivostok.
The most important part of the project was the planting of trees (maples in the park on Third Working Street, various trees and lilac bushes on Poplar Alley), which were supported by the organizers and participants of the project, concerned citizens and the administration of the city of Vladivostok.
Especially for the project "Breathe, my Earth!", the poet and philanthropist Ekaterina Babenko wrote a song of the same name, which was sung by a group of 12 children who were auditioned for the project.
A socially-oriented video clip was shot for the song "Breathe, my Earth!", in which all the roles were performed by children. The shooting took 4 days and took place in various districts of Vladivostok (including in the area of the ash dump, where garbage is still being dumped, and the Glass Bay, located near the former landfill for the removal of solid waste). We present to your attention our mini-film about the history of the project and the filming of the clip.
How was the shooting of the video
Together with the project participants, their parents and the ZeroFilmer crew, we spent four unforgettable shooting days - after all, for most of the project participants, the experience of filming on location, and even in extreme conditions (the clip was shot in the "post-apocalypse" genre) was a real test of strength! Ash, fine as dust, penetrating everywhere, multiple takes, walks through collector pipes, abandoned forts and weather domes, jogging in the surf of the September Vladivostok sea - and even one jump from a cliff into the water! Our children withstood all this with honor!
18:30 | December 12, 2019 | Underground Theater
On December 12, 2019, our Big eco-concert took place, where the project participants and invited artists performed, and our video clip was presented. Thanks to everyone who attended the concert and supported our project!
We hope that the "Breathe, my Earth!" movement will continue to live, because each of us can do something to change our world for the better right now!
Stay with us!
Together we will help the Earth breathe!
Photo report of the concert
Contact us for any question by mail or on social networks